Monday, June 20, 2011

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  • kavita
    12-11 04:02 PM
    I am sorry if my choice of words hurt you in any way.
    I am a physician and I know there is shortage of physicians in US. At my place, we are looking for new candidates all the time. I am sure my employer realises the importance of a number of Indian physicians who have filled their advertised positions time and again, thanks to education system in India and a population big enough to be able to send some to US.
    It will be different if US lawmakers start to blame Indian or China for huge populations, and I doubt they will ever do. If they do, only then I will think of going back. Just because they bailed out bank or now automakers, does not mean that what is going on with legal immigrants is justified.
    I feel the major philosophy of immigration voice is to remove discrimination based on country of origin. So lets stick to that and try to make our case to the lawmakers.

    Kavita - I absolutely disagree with you. All of us (people on L-1, F-1, J-1, H1, B1, K1 and their derivatives....) went to US consulate to request for VISA. US consulate never came to your door with a VISA. Yes, it is your privilege to file GC but it is not your right. You can shower yourself with tags like "highly skilled" and what not but truth is, if we are so highly skilled then why are we having so many issues with Green Card? Why no one in this country is listening to us? They listened to bank's issues and came up with 750 Billion dollars in 2 flipping weeks. They have almost granted 15 Billion to auto industry. Meanwhile, we, self proclaimed highly skilled are fighting to have driver's license in DMV offices. And above all, when someone on H1 and L1 gets laid off, what is the problem in packing up the bag and going back to home country? It is and me, who love to live in this country, we fight tooth and nail to live here, somehow, anyhow, at any cost!

    The way I look at it, we are here because this country provides us a very good quality of life and we see bright future for our family. After 5-10 years, we get so used to America that it hurts to even think that we are still on a temporary VISA.

    Please attack my thought, do not attack me or my self esteem!

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  • shreekhand
    07-04 10:28 PM
    A nicely presented opinion by Ramba, but there are obvious flaws in the anaylsis. Here are my observations

    1.) The contention that they followed the recommendations of the Omb report and went back to pre-1982 method cannot be true. They cannot follow that without violating 8 USC Section 1255 (b) which clearly states that a visa number is reduced AFTER the approval of the I-485.

    2.)There were 40K visas remaining at the time of the Jun 13 bulletin according to AILA. The 60K number as per DoS might have been from end of May. We most note the fact from the CIS I-485 Standard Operating Procedure that when a petition is "documentarily qualified and approvable" a request is made for a visa number, if such number is not available that petition is put into a approved pending availability of visa number list. This makes it amply clear that the CIS knew the exact number of approvable petitions.(might be ~40-60K) The DoS might also have known that.

    3.) So what happened ? Looks like the DoS did not expect the CIS to get those petitions quickly from storage, assign a visa number, stamp and sign petitions with the speed that CIS did it with. As a matter of fact, we can clearly deduce from inquiries made my petitioners in the month of May that soon after the June bulletin was released in May, the petitioners were informed by IO's that their files are now been retrieved and have been assigned to officers for approval in June !

    4.) This shows that the CIS swift approval (i.e retrieval, assigning visa #, stamp, signature) activity especially the retrieval part did not start on June 1, or June 13 but well before in mid May if not earlier.

    5.) Now maybe they assigned the visa #'s to the approvable petitions (in line with the law) already but they are still going on with the stamp, signature part (as evidenced by people receiving approvals e-mails even on July 2nd and 3rd.. and other forums)

    6.) Suspension of PPS at NSC and TSC -- Now why should that happen ?
    If they have already used up the EB quota one would ask that much amount of man hours are now free isn't it !!?
    But the above points might show us that they might need it to simply finish off the paperwork of the approvable petitions in the month of July. Remember signing off on 40K+ petitions is not a 1 month job, but just assigning visa numbers might be. It is very certain to me that we will see approvals well within July!

    Loose ends:

    1.) What baffles though is the allocation of all visa numbers before the last quarter of FY 07 ! Maybe there is loophole there that allowed them to do so.

    2.) How did visa number for EB1 for a top scientist from say an undersubscribed country such as Ukraine also get used up ??!

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  • pbuckeye
    02-12 03:06 PM
    What advertisement? I was just trying to see if there was any truth in "he who shall not be named" 's assumption. I am convinced of the facts now, which was the point to begin with. Does every post have to be part of an agenda (too much Zee TV watching )?

    thanks to kumarc123 for bringing some comic relief to this wound up thread.

    P.S. The Zee TV bit was a joke, I am not an advertiser for that channel as well.

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  • coopheal
    02-19 05:28 PM
    Could one of you summarize HR 264 bill on the wiki.


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  • snowshoe
    05-08 09:54 PM
    I had checked the status earlier this morning (as every other day) and as every other day there was no LUD. When I got home this evening saw the following email (got one for my wife's application too)

    I still remember very vividly the day I handed my papers to our HR in Sept 2002. It took our HR nine months to complete recruiting and send it to DoL. I am sure I will remember today and the day we get the physical cards better :)

    Receipt Number: SRC07192xxxxx


    Current Status: Notice mailed welcoming the new permanent resident.

    On May 8, 2008, we mailed you a notice that we had registered this customer's new permanent resident status. Please follow any instructions on the notice. Your new permanent resident card should be mailed within 60 days following this registration or after you complete any ADIT processing referred to in the welcome notice, whichever is later.

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  • getgreensoon1
    05-23 02:22 PM
    Thank You ! That was a good peek into your level of knowledge and understanding. No wonder you are always jealous of IT guys.

    I am not jealous of computer workers, I pity their life, their overall ignorance about things around and their unwarrented arrogance.


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  • coolmanasip
    06-19 03:09 PM
    My lawyer is asking for the tax returns for last three years for 485 filing??? I read W2s in the USCIS list but I do not know why he is asking for tax returns?? Any clue.....

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  • Legal
    07-04 09:17 PM
    Another myth: USCIS processed 60,000 485 in June. It is wrong. They processed 60,000 485 over the period of 6 months to 5 years. And they just approved in June, based on earlier processing.

    In their "normal" pace they would be giving finishing touches and slowly releasing them over the course of next 12 months! Do you agree?

    But they worked overnight and weekend to finish up and deny benefits to the July filers? Therein lies the problem. what do you think?


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  • sashidhar_gundimeda
    07-02 08:14 PM
    Confirmation Number: 34850160M9463882Y.

    Thanks and keep up the good work - Sashi

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  • roseball
    07-09 03:35 PM
    I was surprised to see that nowhere it was mentioned that USCIS processed 25k petitions over the weekend (or nearly 60k in 2 weeks) as reported by some USCIS officials last week and in many cases broke their own regulations by approving several cases with pending background/name checks. That definitely sounds to me like a conspiracy against July filers....In my view, that should have been one of the strongest points we can use against USCIS. I dont think we have a case against DOS as they had to revise the bulletin as USCIS requested more than available Visa numbers and exhausted the quota.....Even Dr. Rice made it clear in her NBC interview from the DOS perspective that revision of visa bulletin caused an "inconvenience" to the petitioners....


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  • trexx7
    04-24 09:44 AM
    Congrats Googler!

    I just checked my status and saw my I-485 CASE APPROVED status.My Good luck and Best wishes to all the people on this forum on their GC.

    EB2, NSC PD 10/02
    I-485 RD - 02/2007
    Approval Notice - April 23'08

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  • rimzhim
    04-04 03:54 PM
    So, only "US-educated folks" are entitled for H1? Is that what you are saying? And only that is a principled stand and rest everything is falsehood?
    IEEE believes that ppl educated in the US should not be sent back and should actually stay here. I agree with that stance. After all, they want what is best for ppl born here and those who have been educated here. It is IEEE-USA :)


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  • thirdworldman
    02-17 10:20 PM
    I've never used it, but Blender 3d is free, and from what I've seen, there's a pretty nice set of tools

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  • BlueSunD
    02-16 05:56 PM
    count me in too! :) Just started today, but i'll see if I post some wip screens.


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  • gonecrazyonh4
    03-20 12:36 AM
    I am on H4 for the past 2years and this year I am trying to move to H1. The problem here is no big company responds to my resume.(Mine is not a cooked up resume. I have 6 years of experience and a lot of certifications). The only calls I get is from desi consulting firms. No US staffing firm nor BIG US firm sponsors H1s for first timers like me in US as we don't have US experience. They get their jobs done through consultants on Corp-Corp basis. Sometimes I am getting depressed seeing all this. May be I think I am forced now to go to a consulting firm to get my H1b because they are the only people who sponsor H1s in April to work in October which is 8 months from now. The system has to be revamped otherwise this system is going to exploit a lot of people like me. I cannot wait till we get a green card or work permit because it looks like it is a million years away from now. One thing I understood is that H4 dependents have no rights in this country and they talk about human rights violations elsewhere.

    I agree with the points raised in the above post. If H4 dependents are given the right to work in this country things would be so much better and the wait for green card would not be so very tiresome. Not allowing H4's to work and making them completely dependent on H1B spouse is indeed a human right violation.As an H4 I have no identity in this country and the system makes me a complete dependent. (Please do not mail me back saying - If I am smart I can get an H1B, I am smart enough to work and contribute to this economy its just that my expertise may not fall under the tech/shortage skill category).

    Employers are taking advantage of employees because the current immigration process supports such exploitation. This exploitation is prevalent among both with Indian and Non Indian Firms in different manner.

    Also for whatever reason a number of people whose spouse is already working on H1B tends to discourage others from filing H1B for their H4spouses.I also see a similar trend where all those who has a green card wants the immigration law to be more ruthless to new GC applicants.If you look at the employment history of many among us you would find that they have come through the route of desi consulting firms fulling agreeing to the deal since they wanted the H1B at any cost.

    I am not commending or supporting the Desi/other consulting firms or supporting the violation of law or ethics. Rather I want to point out that till the immigration process is revamped these practices will continue and each one of us has to take a route based on our individual circumstances.

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  • CADude
    07-23 05:27 PM
    Will wait couple of weeks? worse come worse, will refile in Oct (by than USCIS will take some decision :))

    My attorney has specifically advised us that we don't have to file again. My application reached NSC on July 2nd.


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  • sanju
    02-14 12:44 AM
    I totally agreed with you. This system has to be cleaned. If a system is being misused then the Gov will take some action. I also dont think they want to remove all Indians from US. I believe they will link this system with a new system similar to JRE and TOFFEL so that a police inspector from India can not come as PL/Sql programmer no matter who is hiring. I know my comment will hurt lot of people here.

    I bet you, Urban legend or joke about 'police inspector as PL/Sql programmer' is what you heard in some desi party. I have heard that story many times from multiple people, each one telling their own version. Its just like religion, where every one is stupified by other's ignorance and having fun at others expense. Can you name that police officer? Now you won't reply. I bet lot of others on this forum may have also heard this joke. Is there anyone who knows the name of that police officer pl/sql programmer? You see, fun jokes are good only for desi pani puri parties. This is serious discussion going on here, so if you would please excuse us and take your 20 year old jokes to your standard weekend desi parties, please?


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  • chanduv23
    09-19 06:29 AM
    The reason there were so many placards was - we were expecting atleast 10000 people to show up and with the kind of poor response we got, we were expecting atleast 5000 and thats why there was 700 banners ordered.

    If we had the magic figure 10000, the impact could have been marvellous. The banner count would have been appropriate

    With 1500 to 2000 - every individual had a banner or a placard or a flag.

    Mark's speech was hillarious - but had very strong messages - THESE ARE THINGS THAT NEED SPECIAL SKILLS - AND MARK PULLED IT THROUGH EXTREMELY WELL. Mark is a pround member of the Tri State Chapter and his contributions towards the cause are amazing

    Robert Sun (LIA) - was good. Well he was praising Indians and CHinese. Nothing wrong - but yes can be more comprehensive in nature.

    We had people from all nationalities - and a lot of people seem to be silent supporters of IV - very passionate about this organization.

    Jay was at his best - He took on Lou Dobbs - Which was the best part.

    The only lesson I would say that we must learn is - low numbers - YES. The turnout should have been atleast 10000 - though 2000 is good. Just proves how selfish those free riders are who can let down your own community who are helping you.

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  • logiclife
    01-18 01:12 PM
    This thread has be closed but the discussion is continued on the newer thread.


    06-11 08:55 AM

    07-28 06:24 PM
    Please let me know how to close this thread?

    Wonderful realization. Here is a comment accompanied with red dot for me for my post earlier:

    "why..what is wrong with the thread?"...I wonder what is wrong with this thread.

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