Monday, June 20, 2011

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  • Macaca
    04-04 03:53 PM
    They have never said anything about GCs. If they have, show me where.

    From here (

    IEEE-USA will support public policies to ensure greater equity in the recruitment, utilization and compensation of US and foreign–born high tech workers. Priorities include:

    Expediting visa processing for international researchers, scholars, teachers and students to travel and study in the U.S.
    Reforming the H-1B and other non-immigrant (temporary) visa programs to prevent abuses, including displacement of US workers and underpayment of foreign workers.
    Enacting legislation to facilitate the admission of foreign professionals with advanced degrees in science, technology, engineering and managerial fields as legal permanent residents.

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  • 485Mbe4001
    07-28 06:09 PM
    i guess now i know why EB3 I is being ignored, is is a VERY VERY VERY INDIA specific issue ? :p

    My Friends.

    Please stop this discussion. Not only are we digressing from one pointless topic to another, but now we are also making these discussions VERY VERY INDIA specific.

    IV is an organization for members from ALL countries. Things like the Nuclear deal and the beer bottles are NOT going to help anyone get their green cards quicker. If you want to discuss these issues, please use websites like Rediff or Times Of India or Mid-Day to post items on there.

    Please show some restraint while starting new threads, especially when TIME AND AGAIN the IV core/moderators/admins have reminded us that:

    1) This is a forum for discussing Employment based LEGAL Immigration issues ONLY and
    2) This is a MULTI-COUNTRY MULTI-CULTURAL forum with people of all cultures/races and religions.

    (FYI: I am an Indian and a proud to be one btw.)

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  • ramaonline
    12-26 01:40 PM
    there is no concept of employee transfer after 140 approval. once u get 140 approved u can get 3 year incremental h1 extension due to retrogression- portability is also allowed during these 3 years - so u can join any employer. (h1 transfer) also note that if ur current employer does not revoke the 140 u can retain the PD and use it for a new gc application with a new employer, else u must start the LC-140 etc process once again.

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  • new_horizon
    06-10 04:08 PM


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  • greyhair
    09-09 02:36 PM
    With republican House there is zero chance of anything happening on any kind of immigration bill. Nothing other than border security will be taken up. It will be best to kiss good bye to GC dreams if republicans win the House.

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  • alterego
    07-13 11:19 AM
    When a few IV members predicted the rapid movment of EB2 -I, they were dismissed as naive, and fantasizing. Yet, here we are with the EB-2-I PD current for June 2006. Lately, I'm having more faith in the philosophical statement -"The truth is unknowable". :) and having less and less faith on the speculations/ predictions of most IV members.

    Are you sure about your above statement? My interpretation is since the processing date for 485s at the Nebraska service center is July 27th 2007, all the 485S received before that date have been processed, and are waiting only for visa number assignment.

    I would like to fantasize next fee weeks my assumption is correct:). My PD is EB2-I feb 2006, RD July 2nd 2007.

    Fair enough, you are free to fantasize. :) I didn't mean to rain on your party!

    I'd wish too that what you said is true. Hey, I am a well wisher of EB immigration.

    However my understanding is that many 485s were not receipted like yours. Also the processing dates have stuck at that time now. So although admittedly I am not sure how many of those applications were in fact processed, I suspect it is not the majority. There are indications that there are 200-250K pending EB 485s of which 40-45% are EB India and another 15% or so Chinese. Looking at the bigger picture if 35% of these are EB2. I can't see how the EB2 backlog can be cleared before the end of the next fiscal year.

    I whole heartedly agree with you that our speculation and guesswork is often wrong, but it gives us something to do while we wait!


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  • logiclife
    12-21 10:28 PM
    You should've thought about this that whole year that you were goofin' off! Why are you bringing this up at this late juncture, anyway? Your PD is Dec, 2004. What makes you your petition will trigger an RFE for not working during 2001? You raise a very perplexing and contradicting query...

    Hey, take it easy big guy/gal.

    You are acting as if instead of being gainfully employed, he was sitting around and playing golf or something and that put him out of status.

    Go easy on the judging part, coz you could be goofing off for a while too and if you are goofing off for a while, its not like after a week of goofing off, you are going to throw in the towel and take the next plane back home. In a country that has employed and harbored 11 million illegals, who dont even have a passport, those who are legally present and 'goofing off' for a while between 2 legitimate jobs that require excrutiating process of h1 sponsorship are the least of anyone's problems. In fact, the section 245(k) says that it is OK to goof off as long as goofing off is less than 180 days. And if the goofing off was before your last entry into usa, it doesnt even matter, regardless of whether it was less than 180 or more than 180 days. If US CONGRESS legitimizes, who are you to be the bigger judge.

    IF the economy tanks, then a lot of us will be 'goofing off' in 2008 and 2009.
    When someone is 'goofing off', that someone is concerned about paying the rent, managing to buy groceries and borrowing money off of credit cards to pay the bill, and during the 'goofing off' people dont sit by on a bench and think..."hmm...what will happen when I file my 485 and will this 'goofing off' hurt me at the time".

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  • FucTheGC
    06-06 02:35 PM
    We got the "welcome" and "card production ordered" email for my wife and I today too. It was a long frustrating wait at times but I am glad its over for us now. Our best wishes to those that are still waiting.

    No RFE at any stage, straight forward case, never called them for status or infopass. Took them about 4.5 years.

    Here are our dates for those interested in tracking.

    PD: Jan 29, 2004, EB2
    Ohio labor approved - Oct 2004
    45 day letter - Jan 2005
    Labor approved from Dalla BEC - June 2006
    I I140 regular, non concurrent approved - Sept 2006
    I 485 sent to Nebraska - July 13 2007
    EAD approved - Oct 2007
    I485 approval email - June,06, 2008


    Was your I485 Approval from Neb or Texas ?


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  • Liebe ist für alle da: Special

  • sundevil
    06-12 11:51 AM
    Cantwell is a Democrat though. If Republicans only get a limited number of amendments would they not try to push this over to Democrat side and ask that it become one of the Democrat's amendment? If they do that it will pretty much be shoved under the table, seeing how democrats feel about High-Skilled immigrants.

    Kyl: CIR can be finished in a few days

    Sen. Kyl (R-Az), one of the architects of the Senate�s CIR announced today that the Senate CIR can be finished in a few days. On CNN this morning he mentioned that the Senate Republican leadership is crafting a few necessary amendments and will take them to the Majority Leader. It is expected that the Cantwell amendment, albeit in a revised form, will be one of the amendments. The NY Times has a similar report.

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  • sanju
    07-28 11:41 PM
    Time for a chill beer, anybody wants to join? If yes, wherever you are, cheers :cool:


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  • stirGC
    02-17 04:11 PM
    I toally agree with Retrohatao. If we don't raise this issue soon, most of the members will suffer later on this, say 1-4 more years waiting?

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  • arunmohan
    03-17 01:50 PM
    Hello group:

    This is true that EB3 people are going to stay for longer period( no one knows how long).

    I am not sure that how much would be fruitful to port from EB3->EB2. Everone knows that it is not easy.

    IV team should think and decide the next course of action for EB3.

    I am with them what ever they decide. I am ready to give any kind of support.



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  • ak27
    12-25 10:07 AM
    Hello Everyone,
    I have created google group for NJ Chapter and there are four members in this group so far. If you can send me your email ID then I will let you join..

    Varsha: I will see if I can change ownership of group to you. It is much easier to communicate through emails then looking at chapter posting..

    Thank you

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  • Title: Liebe Ist fur Alle Da

  • sunty
    11-11 10:28 AM

    I am aware getting participation from the members is a tough one. But when people will sense a hint of success, they will come.

    The biggest example is IV itself. When Aman founded this, it was just a small website for people to discuss EB immigration issues facing them. Look at IV now.

    Similarly, we have to start somewhere. Recapture and CIR are far dreams for now. At this point, if we can do anything to have any sort of respite, it would be a good thing...


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  • EB2_Jun03_dude
    02-21 05:11 PM
    I-485: EB2 India with PD June 2003

    I was wondering why I am I getting a LUD in Feb 08? (since EB2 India is 'U').

    Now I know why :) it seems USCIS is getting ready for the deluge in April 08' :D

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  • acecupid
    05-26 04:49 PM
    While on the way back from White Mountains in NH, our car was stopped on I-93 south by the US border patrol. They were stopping every single vehicle to question. They had over a dozen Govt vehicles with 40-50 people in uniform. My buddy was driving.
    Officer : Sir what is your status in the US ?
    Buddy: I am on L1 visa
    I: H1B
    buddy's wife: L2
    my wife: H4
    officer: is anyone US citizen ?
    I: my son is (he was sitting in the car seat)

    Officer: (to my buddy) Is your visa still valid ?
    Buddy: yes
    officer: do you have documents to prove your status?
    buddy: i have some papers in my bag which in the the trunk
    officer: can you show me?
    (buddy got out showed him tax papers and answered some questions)
    officer: did they not tell you you are supposed to carry your papers while travelling?
    buddy: I came over a year ago so i don't remember
    officer: I am letting you go, but i could have fined you $2000; $500 for each pasenger with no papers.

    I was so pissed off by this experience, clearly they are doing this to harrase immigrants. theoratically even if I am going for a walk i am supposed to carry immigration papers because a border patrol officer, in theory, could asks me for my papers ?

    I have decided that if anyone ask me such a stupid question again inside the US and i am just going to remain silent even if that means they detain me for some time.

    I think they let you off easy... sometimes they hassle immigrants a lot. I had one such experience close to the canadian border in northern minnesota. My friends and myself were asked to step out of the car at gun point and the whole car was searched inside out like a bomb squad. They detained us for 3 hrs since some of our papers were back in the hotel and couple of my friends had left their papers back home in wisconsin. They escorted us to the hotel, me driving the car and my friends locked up in the border security vehicle behind me. They checked my passport at the hotel and let my friends off with a strict warning.


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  • nixstor
    07-05 01:02 PM
    And there is nothing wrong with that, right, because in the end you do not know what the financial situation of people on here is. One guy suggested a monthly contribution of 20 bucks, I laughed myself off the chair when I saw that. You're right, this is about "how not to pay" and why shouldn't it be. I don't make a lot, the lawyer's sucking me dry (in more ways than one if it were up to him), I've been waiting for this for ever, I have a family to support, etc.

    Well, in the end you all do what you want, don't worry, be happy :D

    Financial situation of all the non paying members is so bad that they earn 55-60K on avg and beyond. They all have all the filmi difficulties we see every day. What more reasons do we need NOT to pay?

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  • Jaime
    09-10 04:04 PM
    Letter for Intl Student Associations

    Dear International Student Friend:

    You have put yourself through a lot over the past few years: traveled to a new country, put yourself through school, worked long hours in the lab, took on multiple on-campus jobs and loans, so that
    you could make a better life for yourself. Now, you are getting ready to graduate and join other high-skilled people like you who make this country one of the leaders when it comes to innovation and technological breakthroughs. We are proud of your accomplishments
    and look forward to welcoming you in the real world as your friends and

    However, we wanted to make you aware of a grim reality that you will surely
    face in the coming months. Immigration visas (commonly referred to as �Green Cards�) are currently severely backlogged across multiple categories and countries. You might be vaguely aware of this and may have
    heard rumors, but the truth of the matter is that most likely you will have to
    face years of waiting for an immigrant visa to be approved. This in turn will
    restrict your growth within an organization and at the same time prevent you
    from reaching your true potential. Even if you are finishing up your course of study from the topmost university in your field, it is more than likely that you will be impacted by the current immigration backlog. We write this letter because thousands of our members are in exactly the same place. We write this because we are in process
    of developing one of the most comprehensive grassroots organizations dedicated
    to helping skilled immigrants achieve their American dream and at the same time help in keeping this country competitive in the global markets.

    Our organization cuts across nationalities, job categories and pay scales. Even
    if you are finishing up your MBA from Harvard, it is likely that you will be
    impacted by the current immigration backlog. We are completely committed to
    securing a more transparent, predictable and fair immigration system. We ask you
    to visit our website at and attend a rally on September 18th at Washington DC. We are running buses from your city to DC. All you need to do is visit the Immigration Voice website and sign up for where you are coming from.


    Your friends at
    Immigration Voice

    Great letter! Have we sent it yet??? The only thing I would change is "Immigration" visas to "Immigrant" visas

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  • varshadas
    01-22 12:31 PM
    Has anyone called the Senator's office yet to schedule an appt. If not, then I will go ahead and call. I am planning to call the NY senators too


    07-11 04:37 PM

    02-19 04:11 AM
    1) People who are illegal here for more than 5 years will get green card/path to citizenship but people who are legally here for 4 years and 11 months gets nothing.

    How exactly are illegals going to prove that they have been here for more than 5 years?

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