Monday, June 6, 2011

In the United States is worse apparently shot himself in the leg of what is driving drunk and killing a human being or kill many dogs. That was the message given by the U.S. courts today when sentenced former New York Giants Wide Receiver Plaxico Burress to two years behind bars ... Or 23 months, more than Donte Stallworth is to kill someone with your car, and four months older than Michael Vick to serve their disgusting acts of killing numerous dogs (although Burress could go in 20 months for good behavior).

Chest bump to the legal system!

This makes no sense on many levels.

Does a man who accidentally shot in the leg really deserve two years in prison? No, I'm not a big fan of Plaxico Burress and all things silly, irresponsible, has done in his career that probably deserves an extreme punishment ... but I think that a sentence of two years in prison is a bit much. Especially when compared with the other two incidents mentioned above! If you followed the same rule, in this case as it did in them, must come down with Burress serving the community for the love of god.

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