Tuesday, May 31, 2011

robert pattinson water for elephants. Robert Pattinson,
  • Robert Pattinson,

  • calb818
    Mar 19, 02:34 PM
    That vid card, is that a specific Mac card? Also ram must be installed in equal pairs.

    Can't really think of much else. Are you getting a white screen with apple logo at all or just nothing?

    Thanks for that, the ram is just a single, the 2 512sticks are not high enough spec, I have more ram on the way so I will see if that resolves the problem. The video card is a mac card, I do not get any screen activity and no keyboard or mouse, well no red light under the mouse so it is not being seen, both are apple pieces of kit.

    robert pattinson water for elephants. quot;Water For Elephantsquot; Author
  • quot;Water For Elephantsquot; Author

  • drew0020
    Jun 18, 10:31 AM
    The southpark mall in Charlotte NC opens at 6am and only one door opens at that time. So I am getting there around 5:30am. Maybe I'll get lucky and no one will show up that early :)

    Make sure you give us updates on the line :) I will be there between 7-8am if AT&T screwed up my pre-order...

    robert pattinson water for elephants. Robert Pattinson Gets Water
  • Robert Pattinson Gets Water

  • vniow
    Nov 20, 09:29 PM
    Welcome back!

    Even if I have absolutely no idea who you are.

    robert pattinson water for elephants. Robert Pattinson on Water for
  • Robert Pattinson on Water for

  • giganten
    Apr 1, 08:52 AM

    I can't wait for this :D .


    robert pattinson water for elephants. Robert Pattinson
  • Robert Pattinson

  • olternaut
    Jan 14, 11:14 AM
    I've commanded my boss and my co-workers to not surf any news sites or listen to any radio stations till after I get home and I watch they keynote. They have decided to comply because they do not want to face my wrath!!! :mad:

    p.s. I'm half tempted to extend my commandment an extra day til Apple posts the high res version at that!!

    robert pattinson water for elephants. robert pattinson water for
  • robert pattinson water for

  • eawmp1
    May 7, 02:24 AM
    The answer BEFORE Thunderbolt would have been more difficult. Assuming TB external drives, I'd say iMac.


    robert pattinson water for elephants. Robert is seen working with
  • Robert is seen working with

  • md63
    Mar 16, 09:19 AM
    are you on 4.3? netfilx released an update for 4.3 today, might be the problem

    I'm JB on 4.2.1. Display out works fine with the HDMI adapter. Netflix is the only app that has problems.

    robert pattinson water for elephants. robert pattinson water for
  • robert pattinson water for

  • karsten
    Nov 20, 08:30 PM
    you can only run gpu3 with nvidia 400 series cards, unless you run the command like this:

    fah -gpu 0 -forcegpu nvidia_g80 -advmethods -verbosity 9 -local

    try that with what you did before and see if it works!

    holy crap you're a genious :) it actually started computing now i think, though it errored out right away with an 'unstable machine' error. first time its gotten that far at least. here's the log

    it was trying to use core_15 earlier which was probably the issue. i wasn't forcing it with g80. i'm still not sure from those linux instructions what all we need to do on os x with the wine dll wrapper and stuff though. maybe its not actually seeing the card who knows. thanks for the help:)

    looks like it might be an issue with the nvidia cuda driver and 10.6.5? http://forums.nvidia.com/index.php?showtopic=185332


    robert pattinson water for elephants. Robert Pattinson is Jacob in
  • Robert Pattinson is Jacob in

  • TheWart
    Jun 20, 07:50 PM

    Anyone planning on going to the Apple store in Reston VA this thursday? I pre-ordered my phone and plan on swinging by before work at around ~6:30.

    I know some Macrumors users live in the area because when I went to go play with an iPad, I punched in www.macrumors.com and it popped up in the history lol.

    robert pattinson water for elephants. Robert Pattinson is on the
  • Robert Pattinson is on the

  • sporadicMotion
    Jan 17, 08:14 PM
    Another vote for the M-Audio Oxygen series. I had a Oxygen 49 that was quite good... best part is you can pick them up used for less than $100 (in Canada!).

    Look hard enough an I bet you could get one in the US for $60?


    robert pattinson water for elephants. The first poster for Water For
  • The first poster for Water For

  • Peyote
    Dec 22, 09:33 AM
    Well that's it. I guess we graphic designers will soon be obsolete models!

    I imagine some day Honda will invent a robot that can conceptualize and that has an imagination. Then we're really screwed.

    robert pattinson water for elephants. Robert Pattinson continues
  • Robert Pattinson continues

  • mikes63737
    Apr 21, 07:38 AM
    I'm excited to get my MacBook Pro (probably this week) and start on it...although the F@H website does not have an Intel version yet.

    Would it be possible to run the Linux version on your MBP? Linux and BSD (Which Mac OS X is based on) are very similar.


    robert pattinson water for elephants. He#39;s in talks to star in Water
  • He#39;s in talks to star in Water

  • narco
    Oct 2, 07:37 PM
    Good. Aladdin reminds me of all the early Mac OS's like 8.5 and 9 for some reason. They definitely needed an update.


    robert pattinson water for elephants. Robert Pattinson
  • Robert Pattinson

  • heehee
    Apr 7, 02:25 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_2_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8C148 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Burberry. I feel like I model for them.
    Lego :D
    Sony. I love their tvs.
    Calvin Klein. Underwear and socks only
    Victorias Secret. I'm a guy. :p
    Lucky jeans
    Hugo Boss


    robert pattinson water for elephants. Robert Pattinson #39;Water for
  • Robert Pattinson #39;Water for

  • uknick
    Mar 25, 04:51 AM
    That's the best thing you could've done, because I failed to do so, and now I waiting for my iPad to be shipped on April 20th, here in the US.:mad:

    Yes I'm hoping that it will be first come first served basis and maybe it will be early next week??

    robert pattinson water for elephants. Robert Pattinson#39;s “Water for
  • Robert Pattinson#39;s “Water for

  • Hrududu
    Jul 12, 10:39 AM
    You have an iMac in your garage?
    Yup. Its sitting on a wall mounted stand by the workbench. Comes in handy while working on the car. I can get on parts websites and forums without having to go inside. Very nice when using pictures or diagrams posted online.


    robert pattinson water for elephants. Robert Pattinson shows off his
  • Robert Pattinson shows off his

  • Blue Velvet
    Apr 8, 12:55 PM
    covertsurfer, here's a large transparent PNG. Enjoy your weekend. :)

    Arial Bold, shudder.

    robert pattinson water for elephants. robert pattinson water for
  • robert pattinson water for

  • steviem
    Apr 27, 11:09 AM
    Thanks for that. Yes it's going to be my first SLR. Parents are willing to stretch to whatever as I never ask for much usually anyways and I'm the kind of person who would prefer to save the money and buy things myself etc.

    I know about Tamron and Sigma lens too, I've been looking at those as well. I wasn't sure if 18-55 would be enough and that I might need a new lens in the near future. I forgot to mention, I'm also going on Holiday visiting Hong Kong, China area and before going I'll be playing around with the camera to make sure by the time I go on holiday I'll get the best shots etc.

    I'm not sure what Aperture is, as I don't have a Mac is it a photo editing software if so I'm pretty good on photoshop and I'm not expecting to edit my photo too much using those programs as I prefer to take the picture and show it off as it is.

    Yeah, I don't really touch my photos in Aperture, you can retouch them and apply effects if you want, but it's mainly for cataloging photos. Kind of like Adobe Lightroom. When I first started out with my Sony, I used it to make smart albums based on a few focal lengths and decide what I wanted to have better, After my niece was born, it was clear that the lens I needed was a 50mm with a big aperture... It is also a lot more useful than those few things - along with Lightroom (just Lightroom is 3 or 4 times the price).

    I really like using the far end of my 55-200 in street photography, something I'll be doing a lot more of when I move to NY, as it has a nice reach on it for getting fairly candid photos of people. My 50mm lens is great for getting portraits and is awesome in low light.

    You sound like you have your head screwed on in terms of your parents, that's how I was. :)

    The 18-200 would be a good option though.

    robert pattinson water for elephants. Images “Water for Elephants”
  • Images “Water for Elephants”

  • celticpride678
    Apr 24, 04:55 PM
    Yeah, I would power it off all the way and then turn it on

    I don't see anything wrong with turning the thing off.

    May 25, 07:55 PM
    Almost five years late, my friend. :D

    Apr 6, 12:48 PM
    Get David Pogue's The Missing Manual for Tiger, it is "backorderable" on Amazon.

    Nov 25, 10:06 AM
    I'm not a web developer by trade so I can't begin to comment on the methods being used; I took the decision to do it this way (with my limited knowledge!) as it seemed the simplest option, as I would have otherwise used Flash - which I didn't do for obvious reasons...

    If I'd have created the page as a single image (say at 900x800px), with an all over blue background and a full colour image (for argument's sake, let's say a it's of a car) sitting in the middle third of it, the background colour would be consistent across the whole page;
    if I split the image into thirds (300px across apiece), so that the outer two images are plain blue, with the middle image containing the car on the same colour background, that blue is a different hue in the middle panel compared to the two outers.

    Is this because of some sort of optimisation process, where the number of colours on that image is being cut back somehow? I'm using 'Save for web and devices' and I've tried 'convert to sRGB' and 'Use Document Color Profile' but it doesn't seem to make a difference. all the relevant RGB/CMYK/LAB/Hex colours are all consistent... this is driving me nuts.

    I'd post the page in question, but it's sensitive material so I can't...

    Apr 7, 09:52 AM
    ]The option keys do work but they are locked.(Firmware password locked)

    As I suspected. Turn the firmware password protection off while you are installing Windows. If you don't have the password, you probably shouldn't be installing Windows on it.


    Dec 20, 10:43 PM
    Well, I used the official documentation for the first aluminum 15" PB (which is what I have). It says to use a "dentist pick" to undo the clip. An allen wrench works fine, as long as you don't drop it into the optical drive like I did :rolleyes:

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