Just when you thought the season was over to celebrate, I have one more holiday for you and I call it "Kick Ass Me" month. At this time of year for many of us are concerned about doing all sorts of decisions about our future, with the promise that we all kind of installer, smarter, kinder, calmer, stronger, better, stronger, faster. Update our list often sounds much more like the model for the ingredients of the Six Million Dollar Man of a realistic strategy for our own self-improvement. Even leaving aside the bar ever higher, the real shame in our haste to be resolved with our year approaches it might not take the time to celebrate what we have done, and more importantly, what has already have become.
The pathos of this truth came home to me recently when too many of my clients amazing refused to accept his amazingness. (This can happen with men too, of course, but appeared deeply to me with women.) Instead of celebrating themselves on a regular basis that were mired in thinking about all the things I felt I should be here to all the great things that are adamant that it should have been. And believe me, these women an example of what it means to be exceptional.