Monday, June 27, 2011

A popular brunette in Hollywood would be Rachel Weisz. First noticed in the movie The Mummy, which shows a sweet look with a touch of malice. Being a brunette, she admits to loving the way you can take different outfits to go with your beautiful hair color.

Here are some things in fashion that Rachel Weisz has in mind.

1. I love to experiment with colors. Brunettes have no reason to fear that the tank turquoise or bright red jacket. There is not enough pigment in the hair to compensate for any color. Brunettes can wear black, white or anything else.

2. She takes special care to make use of the curtains of ice. This is a very pale colors and ice cream may not be enough to balance the hair. You can still use these colors, but you may want to choose colors that have more thrust.

3. Choose white on black in all cases. This is because it flatters your hair color more effectively.

4. Do not be afraid to use a handkerchief from time to time. Try using polka dot scarves to break your hair color.

5. Make sure the party clothes. If your hair is dark red or golden tones, then you should wear coral gloss or blush bronze. Use a bright pink or berries to match your makeup if you have ash tones in your hair.

If you want to take the look of Rachel Weisz, then the only thing left is for you to attack your wardrobe, check out all the colors, and then fix their hair and wear a scarf because it's true: brown all fun.

27 Jun 2011

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