Monday, June 27, 2011

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  • franklin
    06-08 02:48 AM
    FBI security clearance has been a blackhole with many people stuck in it without having a hope of relief in sight.Everyone might have tried the senetors, congressman, snail-mails and Faxes but of no use.
    How about the following new methods:
    1. Send a collective petition, A common letter requesting FBI, president with the details of all those stuck in the process.
    2. A letter to the news channels.
    3. Web fax to the senators/congressman

    Please share your ideas.

    I would actually also suggest requesting a meeting with both senators and congressperson in your area, rather than sending a webfax.

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  • larun
    06-12 08:36 AM

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  • Jaime
    09-10 12:35 PM
    You want to start your own company and give jobs to Americans, but can't- Because you are on an H1-B, and you are not allowed to work for your own company if you start one, so you cannot support yourself.

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  • Jaime
    09-10 12:45 PM
    No in-state tuition for legals (only for illegals) - You are a legal high-skilled immigrant and have played by all the rules while contributing greatly to the economy, yet your children are not eligible for in-state tuition, while the children of illegal aliens ARE!!!!!


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  • jonty_11
    07-11 04:20 PM
    There is a lot of hurtburn among folks here abt a lot of things...Does that mean USCIS is going to cater to every case of heartburn. I dont think so.

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  • sc3
    10-16 01:49 PM
    yesterday some one left a red saying "go and sleep in your bedroom or something like that" :D,
    (which I find hilarious..because I don't exactly sleep on my couch :D:D)
    then some left a green saying "nullifying red".

    folks, I didn't leave a red for anyone (who cares abt them anyways)...don't assume immediately that I reacted.
    giving either reds or greens will not impact anyone's gc process..or change their PDs!
    Like itsnotfunny says, if you agree/disagree say it so. gave itsnotfunny a green to nullify the red.

    let me reiterate though, that I am completely opposed to flower campaign because once bitten, twice shy.
    USCIS has lot of autonomy and there is every likely of a repeat i.e july 07 part 2 as a reaction to gandhigiri part 2
    instead focus on other avenues, there is an excellent thread on FOIA in addition to the other avenues

    First: Disabuse yourself of the notion that Gandhigiri had anything to do with the backtrack of the July 07 fiasco. There were other more pressing (and effective) organizations that helped reverse the situation.

    Second: What happened (the flood of applications) were definitely caused by an ill thought Visa bulletin, but USCIS had no control over the massive amount of applications that they had to deal with. Even commercial operations (amazon etc) break down when overloaded. So to put extensive blame on USCIS for the "reaction" (I assume you are talking about the backlogs) is not right.


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  • gondalguru
    07-11 02:03 PM
    I think all the unused EB1 and EB2-ROW visa number trickles down to EB2 - India/China and thats the main reason for a big jump in EB2-India cut off dates.

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  • piyu7444
    01-31 04:39 PM
    Well, you did not disclose before that she has pending I-485. That changes the whole scenario and provides lot more options.

    She should change her status to AOS only by filing a new I-9 (provide EAD details) with her employer ASAP. This will cover her any period of unpaid leave (or benching). She can get back to H1 status by re-entering on H1 visa.

    Not a legal advice.
    US Citizen of Indian Origin

    Thanks a lot Desi3933. I dont have words to thank you...

    Another question - Once she gets on EAD does she have to get paid for 'x' number of period (Say 15 day or a month0 on EAD? And then when she re-enters on h1b (Nov 15 2009) then she will get paid from Nov 15 - Dec 31, so for year 2009 she will just have Jan month and 15 Nov till Dec 31 2009 on w-2. Is that fine since all the other time she was on EAD or out of country.


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  • softcrowd
    03-18 09:37 AM
    I am 04/2004 EB2 and I just hope that Ron's prediction comes true.

    One thing about his April PD movement "prediction" - Ron Gotcher never predicted that..He just said he passed on what he heard from an official.

    But in this case (July one), it looks like his prediction!! So lets see!

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  • anurakt
    01-17 02:29 PM
    I tried to send you something in a private msg but your quota is full

    Please send me a message if you have contributed. I don't want to any non-contrbuting members.... The day is not far when IV will have a cease operations due to non-contributing members. !!



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  • unseenguy
    02-13 08:22 PM
    The real face of America, as we used to see it in India is in full light. Hypocrisy under the name of protecting country's job. I agree with Ash's post that in its substance that unlike holocaust, we are not being killed, however; we are being thrown out just like ethnic Indians were thrown out of Uganda by its dictator. This is not much different.

    I understand some people making an argument that this is demand vs supply. But what logic does it make to go aggressively after those who have spent 5-10 years in this country and followed almost everything legally? and at the same time those who are voters , provide them benefits with our tax paid money.

    Problem is not them , problem is us. We left our country sick of reservation etc., So our community was sidelined by the politicians in India and we came here foregoing our "voting rights". Hence politicians here dont care about us. We gave up where we belonged to looking for "shortcut" to success only to be deceived by opportunist Americans dangling carrots of green cards and better life.

    They are career politicians and they care only about elections and votes. So this is nothing but vote bank politics.

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  • imh1b
    03-12 11:39 AM
    Sorry to break your heart. People use a the words like "ass" and "dick" all the time, nobody really mind reading these words. Why would the same words in Hindi be so offensive ???
    Think about that.

    You called me Dick Head, would it be fair if I call you Lund Ka Topa. Its the same thing, just translated.

    Apologize if I offended someone else, I was trying to be funny.

    Please go ahead and write these words 'dick' and 'ass' to your office collegues from your office email. Let us see if you survive your job even for an hour.

    You are an illiterate so called best and the brightest who are demanding greencrd but do not even deserve to be in this country. This country does not need such people. Slums of India is best for you and you will enjoy to live in Mayavatiland and Lalooland. It is people like you who bring bad repute to all Indians. Read The real news about India (
    and A Zillion reasons to escape from India (


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  • ushkand
    07-24 11:50 AM
    I can't say for certain but from recent USCIS actions and the latest FAQ released, I see them issuing an RFE instead of outright rejecting the application. If they will accept applications without medical, they should be able to do the same for an employment letter. Ofcourse, this is just my humble opinion.

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  • raj2007
    03-07 02:50 PM
    I am employed with a company and I work for a client through a preferred vendor. I am in a slightly difficult situation. I would like to do AC21 with the vendor and negotiate for more. This might irk the vendor and he could in turn tell my employer about this. I cannot put in my papers with my employer without having an offer from the vendor in hand. I cannot join the client directly because of hiring freeze.

    My question is, if due to the above exercise my employer cancels my H1, will I be immediately be out of status, does having EAD means that I will be in status even if my H1 is cancelled?.. How much time will I have to join a new employer using EAD if my H1 is cancelled or revoked.?.


    Your vendor is desi guy?
    I have never seen vendor informing the employer.
    You are ok even if he cancels ur H1.


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  • conchshell
    07-28 01:59 PM
    Someone should close it so that we can talk about the more important matter of getting the green card faster.

    I would say let it go on ... because this is the kind of topic people really like to discuss. It breaks my heart to note that last week I started a thread to raise ideas about immigration problems ... lots of people went through it, but just a handful participated. Here is the thread:

    So when people have lost focus, they are not interested in discussing the core issue anymore ... then let this discussion go on, on top of it may be we can also start reviewing bollywood movies here .... sorry for being sarcastic, but this the state of affairs at IV forums these days!!:(

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  • chanduv23
    09-19 02:46 PM
    What if 485 was not filed but have an approved 140? Economy is taking big hits on the all the consulting firms even the big ones.I know this because I work for one and I was told budget spending on IT is going to be really tight moving forward for another couple of years espcially in financial sector.

    Its going to be tough for everyone. Service industry is one such industry. try to avoid FT jobs in wall street.


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  • Nikith77
    03-12 09:10 AM
    Kumar1, Well said....

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  • EB3_SEP04
    05-26 05:46 PM
    When I was working in Kuwait, me and every one carry Civil ID, all the time in the wallet. If some one don't have, the police will take him to the station ....

    I am glad you are not in Kuwait anymore :) and I am also glad I am not in India anymore... No offense there...just want to underscore how much i love civil liberties, freedom and basic human rights.

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  • uma_vishi
    07-14 11:03 PM
    Hi All,

    here is my situation.I'm working in USA on L1B visa which is about to complete 5 years in sep company A (employer and client )want to apply for L1A. Also another company B is filing H1B. now to make my stay here without going to india for the time being is this possible.

    1) can both the companies apply for two different visa for a single person.
    2) what are the pros and cons.
    3) for conversion of L1B to L1A , is petition enough to stay in USA or do i need to go get the stamping.

    also H1b start time is OCt and my petition expires in sep 2009 but i'm having I-94 till Nov 2011.
    now how to manage one month time without going out of this country.
    can anybody please help me with this.

    Thanks in Advance.

    06-08 06:58 PM
    Same old stuff. I dont see a light at the end of the tunnel till some immigration reform bill gets shoved in or a comprehensive immigration bill is introduced.

    The obama administration is not in a mood to touch immigration and we live to be scape goats of policies back from 90's.

    Immigration is the third rail of American Politics. Nobody wants to touch that.
    Obama and his party wont risk election 2010

    07-13 11:45 AM
    They have no reason to pull the dates back. Most 2004, 2005, part 2006 people got to apply during the july07 fiasco. In the past, they have pulled the dates back if new applications flooded in when they pushed the dates up.
    USCIS will process in the following order now
    1. Pull out cases based on PD, review then approve/deny/RFE
    2. While waiting for RFE, process the next based on PD
    3. IF the RFE response window is outside of this fiscal, they will re-allocate the visa number to another approvable case.

    They will manage to process about 20k cases approving as many as possible by Sep30th2008.

    Therefore, only those with pending RFEs will be delayed into next year.

    USCIS is not all that inefficient or incompetent, not sure about DOS (to be fair, the Visa Office seems to have got its act together in the recent months)

    Where the visa numbers in Oct'08 will be will depend on how proactive IV is.

    Here is my take on the situation.

    DOS said that they used up 80% of EB numbers in first 3 quarters of Fiscal year '08, that leaves 28K (20% of 140K) visas available for last quarter of Fiscal year '08.

    Since higher priority categories are already current, this means that most of these visas have to be used by EB2 India/China.

    Hence DOS made it an option for USCIS to issue another 25K visas to EB2 India/China.

    See my analysis:

    I agree


    Originally Posted by justAnotherFile
    i believe the argument that this sudden jump was made to help eb2 china is pure hogwash.

    Scanning the FLC database, 5978 Indian Labor applicants with Level III/IV wage rates benefit with this jump, vs 761 Labor applicants from China.

    Assuming one labor approval generates 2.5 AOS applications, and dividing the total AOS applications by 2 (attrition, I-140 denials, EB3 cases etc), approx 15K Indians benefit, vs <2K people from China.

    Add to this 04/01/2004-03/27/2005 Indian applicants whose labor cases were adjudicated by Backlog Centers (approx 6000 Level III/IV applications , assuming same ball-park as 5853 similar India applicants certified in Fiscal year 2006), approx 7.5K more Indian�s will benefit.)

    If USCIS uses these 25K visas, then in Oct'08, they get the first quarter allocation for Fiscal year '09, and my calculation shows that EB2 India/China will move to atleast Jul 1, 06 (based on 627 India/China Level III/IV labor approvals forthat period).

    If USCIS lets the 25K visas to go waste, then in Oct'08, PDs will move back to mid 04.

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