Thursday, April 15, 2010

With so much of my time this week focused on the Cricut Cake, and the launch of my sister blog, Busy With The Cricky Cake, I thought I had better assure all of you that I am still completely addicted to my Cricut Expression!  LOL.  The cute little card was made using Design Studio and the Sentimentals cartridge.  And yes, like always, I am going to tell you that I LOVE this cartridge.  Seriously, I know, I know.  I always tell you that I love the cartridges, but I DO!  The cartridge designers at PC create such amazing designs.

 This little cutie was made using Bo Bunny cardstock and Coordinations cardstock.  Both of these products cut beautifully with the Cricut.  Ironically my photography failed me so the inside photo did not turn out well enough to post on the blog.  The inside has a smaller "hive" shape cut out, and the word "Honey" inside, making the full sentiment, For You Honey!

If you have not already done so, please consider following my new sister blog.  Friends and I will be sharing our first cake this weekend!  And you will want to be part of the fun too!  Busy With The Cricky Cake.

15 Apr 2010

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