Friday, June 3, 2011

amor que mata. Mayo 18, 2008
  • Mayo 18, 2008

  • larrylaffer
    Apr 6, 12:54 PM
    No, I'm not joking. Not even slightly. Bad product, appalling support.

    That's an even sillier statement. Whenever we have a problem we email their generic support email address and get a response in less than 5 minutes. What's more, when our cluster experiences a problem they see it and contact us proactively.

    amor que mata. Amor que mata middot; Amor loco amor prohibido
  • Amor que mata middot; Amor loco amor prohibido

  • silentnite
    Apr 27, 04:18 PM
    Don't worry somebody's already working on an app to block the tracking. You can bet on that:D

    amor que mata. Amor que Mata carátula DVD
  • Amor que Mata carátula DVD

  • Babooshka
    Jul 1, 09:52 PM
    Go on eBay?

    amor que mata. Un amor que mata
  • Un amor que mata

  • russell1256
    Apr 30, 11:14 AM
    How does the birthday calendar work?


    amor que mata. Comprendimos que el amor
  • Comprendimos que el amor

  • akswun
    Apr 29, 08:26 AM
    Don't think so.... you're going to need a mixer to cue it up.

    amor que mata. amor que mata
  • amor que mata

  • phillymjs
    Oct 3, 08:51 PM
    One of my clients is a huge, global corporation (that shall remain nameless), and they use Notes. I only support a smallish design department that uses Macs, and I quickly learned to loathe Notes.

    Allow me to quote a rant I wrote about it on 10/8/02, after coming home from a long day of battling Notes issues at that client:

    "Lotus Notes [6.0] for the Mac is a turd that they just keep trying to polish. Whoo hoo, it's finally Carbonized and sports the Aqua interface-- that's like putting a fresh coat of paint on an outhouse. This is the most half-assed Mac port of a Windows app since Microsoft Word 6-- scads of 8.3-named library files, a terribly unMaclike interface that is possibly the worst mangling of the 'web browser' metaphor that I have ever seen, and a complete inability to accommodate more than one user per machine, even on a multi-user based OS like Mac OS X. You'd think a company like IBM could actually assemble a team of competent Mac programmers, but judging by the quality of Notes for the Mac, they can't. Memo to IBM/Lotus: Half-assed Mac support is worse than none at all. Rebuild Notes [for the Mac] from scratch, or take it out back and shoot it. It makes Outlook/Exchange look like paradise, even with all the security and virus problems."

    That client is now using 6.5.4, and I still hate it. Four years later, and it *still* wants to put the user data folder inside the Notes application folder by default when you install! Last week I ran Migration Assistant to move someone's data back to a PowerBook that had returned from being serviced, and Notes got messed up somehow. It was set to spellcheck all outgoing messages automatically, but lost the location of its dictionary. How do you think Notes would handle that? Just inform the user, "I can't spellcheck, but would you like me send out the message anyway?", right? Wrong! It wouldn't let the user send any mail at all, until I remoted in and disabled the spellcheck entirely. When I was back on site today, I had to reinstall Notes on her machine to fix it.

    Which brings us to the problem of support. The only solution I can find for 99% of Notes issues on the Mac is to just reinstall the damned thing.

    I could keep on going, but you get the picture.... Notes is a godawful abortion of a software program, and I would lead a much happier life if I didn't have to deal with it. IBM claims they want to improve it? Well they've certainly got their work cut out for them, don't they?



    amor que mata. AMOR QUE FORMA O AMOR QUE MATA

  • ten-oak-druid
    Apr 7, 03:44 PM
    Uhm, it is already out :) I have had it for over a year.

    is that for jailbroken phones? I couldn't find it in the appstore(TM)

    update: I found it on a site for downloading android apps. Perhaps you have an android phone?

    Anyway looking at that site made me realize that I'm glad I don't have to deal with that. The site I found was amateurish looking and made me think it would be risky to use it in terms of potential viruses. The reviews from downloaders also confirmed what i suspected about apps for multiple platforms. There were many comments about the particular app not working on a particular device (ex - a samsung tablet) but working on another. What a headache it must be to keep those apps functioning with new devices from different manufacturers popping up all the time.

    amor que mata. Aquel que cree que lo hace bien pero que con palabras maltrata ♪ middot; El amor que mata
  • Aquel que cree que lo hace bien pero que con palabras maltrata ♪ middot; El amor que mata

  • askegg
    Sep 27, 06:14 AM
    Here are a few more things to fix:

    Drag and drop iDisk including right click for renames, etc.
    The ability to update the calendar on the web.
    An easy way to view published calendars.
    A photocast that actually works with other platforms and browsers.
    Better integration of iWeb and .Mac (get rid of those old web templates).

    I am sure there are more, but these things irk me right now...


    amor que mata. FELIPES Amor que mata
  • FELIPES Amor que mata

  • rorschach
    Mar 31, 07:35 AM
    Safe for use? Yeah. Ready for primetime...nope. Still pretty buggy all around.

    amor que mata. Amor que mata… Corazón a mil…
  • Amor que mata… Corazón a mil…

  • alent1234
    Apr 13, 10:39 AM
    The iPhone 4 is a perfectly fine device. In many ways its still ahead of the competition. Take the outstanding battery life, awesome software integration and the beautiful Retina display- to me those are three big features no other competitor has matched.

    Apple could do nothing for the next year and still have a phone that can be compared favorably with every phone on the market. Manufacturers are trying to compete with the iPhone by producing larger screens and misc. features not many will use- i.e. mini hdmi ports on phones, etc. They lose focus of the overall user experience- Apple has this down pat.

    Apple is essentially a failure of its own success.

    you forgot cost

    you can "buy" an android phone with iphone 4 like internals and a 4" screen for $50. sometimes less. the thunderbolt just went on sale for $50.

    iphone 4 is $300 after you factor in activation and tax

    for a lot of people that's a big turn off


    amor que mata. Amor Que Mata CD1: 6. Atrapao
  • Amor Que Mata CD1: 6. Atrapao

  • BobbieM629
    Apr 10, 11:32 PM
    I've noticed this too with the iPad 2, BUT I know I am using it more. I think it was 4.3.1 honestly though :(

    amor que mata. MUJER 41,EL AMOR QUE MATA

  • snowbrdr1
    Mar 4, 09:56 PM
    Search Cydia, I'm sure there's a way :D


    amor que mata. G0086 AMOR QUE MATA JOAN

  • KHC831
    Apr 26, 11:07 PM
    No way. I totally disagree with everything you've said!

    i agree with all the things u said so far

    amor que mata. Amor que mata middot; Amor de la calle
  • Amor que mata middot; Amor de la calle

  • macridah
    Sep 26, 07:04 PM

    For all you .Mac subscribers, our webmail will soon get a new look. It will have drop and drag, autofill, and other features to catch up with the other AJAX web mail applications.

    I hope for more .Mac improvements in the future. :D


    amor que mata. matar / Un amor que mata
  • matar / Un amor que mata

  • 173080
    Jan 23, 10:20 PM
    It's the people who are lead footed that don't see the full potential of the car.

    I'd say it's the other way around, it really depends on your perspective.

    It's the hypermilers that don't see the full potential of their car. ;)

    If you don't redline your car at least once a day, you're doing it wrong.:D

    amor que mata. através da qual o amor que
  • através da qual o amor que

  • Bernard SG
    Apr 28, 12:25 AM
    So you go with the company that has shown that is will look for any way to make an extra buck.
    I trust Google a hell of a lot more than Apple.

    Now that Apple is in the ads game I can tell you they will be a lot worse about sharing your data than Google ever was and will be.

    That assessment of Apple's approach to those matters is quite unfair either because you're being disingenuous or because you are not really following Apple's business.

    As an example, Apple has deliberately hurt its revenue by refusing to give in to magazines publishers that wanted to get consumer information of iPad users buying their magazines apps.


    amor que mata. Que mata a sanidade - a mente
  • Que mata a sanidade - a mente

  • Alrescha
    Mar 2, 09:04 AM
    Install disks that come with a machine are restricted to install on only that machine type. This is true of both server and non-server disks.

    The server key is not restricted (at least in my experience).


    amor que mata. Nancy O Amor Que Mata
  • Nancy O Amor Que Mata

  • mcdj
    Mar 27, 03:18 PM
    randy, are you concluding this is false advertising?

    It's been said a hundred times...the auction title does NOT say it's an auction for a photo, and it is not listed in the correct category. Ebay even specifically gives an option to report an item that is miscategorized (in active auctions) or misrepresented (completed auctions). It's a violation of their terms, legal or otherwise.

    And to the person earlier who tried to argue that many things are bought and sold in the wrong categories, this is true. However, those auctions were most likely not created with ill intent, solely for the purpose of hoping someone doesn't propey read the auction description.

    amor que mata. Amor que mata
  • Amor que mata

  • mikeschmeee
    May 3, 02:39 AM
    Here are a few more from me... ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (

    My favorite VW of all time but it needs some wider wheels to fill in those fender flares.
    The girls that were inside were smokin' hot in my books!

    I have many more photos I'll put up in the morning. A few exotic cars came out. I need sleep....

    Feb 14, 07:22 PM
    How did I miss this completely? Oh well...

    Congratulations to the new moderators!

    Apr 22, 03:25 AM
    iOS for iphone is an exclusive smartphone OS. Or are you telling me that ipod touch and ipad run the same exact OS?

    Laptops and desktops run the same exact OS. There are no apps that are made specifically for a laptop or desktop. There are iphone apps that wont run on an ipod touch. There are ipad apps that wont run on an ipod touch or an iphone. If they were the same OS then that wouldnt happen.

    Because it's common sense.

    Swing and a miss on all counts.

    It's all iOS. Unless you're saying that xp home and xp professional and win 7 home and win 7 professional should all be counted separately.

    And let's not even get into the absolute mess that your arbitrary definition would turn android into.

    Mar 26, 10:45 PM
    i wasn't attacking to you, i was replying to this comment:

    Gotcha. My bad.

    Apr 30, 06:05 AM
    And you are just proving how little you understand the market in that area.
    You forget that those parts Samsung supplies there is a SHORTAGE of them on the open market. Apple can not afford to loose Samsung because no one else has the production to replace them. It would cost Apple a lot more money to replace them. Samsung on the other had because of the shortage sell for a greater amount to other companies.

    Apple may be a first tear buying in that area but they still are a minor player in terms of over all buyers. Samsung is a major player in that market.

    And you seem to only believe that there is only one company can provide Apple it's components?

    There are loads of them.

    And look at what Apple are doing with screens - they are sourcing parts from multiple companies to make the numbers. Which is exactly how Samsung will be taken apart if needs be.

    However, that won't happen anytime soon as Samsung are in cast iron contracts to supply. Samsung defaults, and it will be in a world of financial hurt, far more than pesky patent rows. It will be up against a multi billion dollar default that will make BPs payout in the Gulf look like small change.

    The Gary
    Feb 9, 03:25 PM
    If you change your plan, you WILL lose any rollover minutes you have accumulated over the past year. Remember too that rollover minutes are only good for a year. Someone please correct me if I'm wrong.
    when you change your plan the roll over minutes go with you if you move up in plans. They carry over to the max if you move down in plans. If you have 1000's of roll over minutes you are paying too much per month all ready.

    03 Jun 2011

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