Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Last summer at CHA my friend Peggy and I were introduced to digital scrapbooking.  I mean we knew ABOUT digital scrapbooking, but we had never actually tried digi scrapping.  The very talented Jessica Sprague had a wonderfully interesting and interactive booth that introduced both her products and allowed for a taste of digi scrapping.

Peggy and I made a page from this photo, which was taken a the Jessica Sprague booth:

Sadly, I cannot locate my digi page at this minute. 

If you are interested in digital scrapbooking please know that there are tons of resources available to you.  I understand from Diane (Capadia) that Creative Memories has a nice digital scrapbooking software.  If you are interested in learning more about the Creative Memories software, check the SHOPPING tab at the top of Diane's blog.

 I am actually learning to use Adobe Photo Shop, a product that is well supported at Jessica Sprague's site.  In fact, my first classes are photo  shop basics - how to use photo shop.   My plan is to do a hybrid type of scrapping.  I like the textures and dimensions created in paper scrapping, yet I find that I like the edits that can be done to photos and backgrounds in digi-scrapping.  As I improve my digi skills I will share some of my work with you.  For the moment, I just wanted you to know where I am hiding!!!
16 Mar 2011

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