Wednesday, August 11, 2010

I have two more sneak peeks from my DVD set.  But first I have to tell you about a giveaway going on at BBTB2.  BBTB2 has a "1000 Party Giveaway" celebrating the blog topping 1000 followers.  Today they are giving away one of my DVD sets.  So if you go to BBTB2 and leave a comment under Day 2 you will be eligible for the drawing.

The two layouts featured today are titled "Baking with Mom" and Birthday 2.  Each of these layouts has unique elements that make it different from the others.  The Baking with Mom layout uses a different type of cut as the photo mats.  It is a layout that provides a lot of options for photos and journaling.

The second of today's featured layouts is Birthday 2.  This layout is also versatile in that it can be gender neutral; the colors and patterns of the paper will set the gender.

This layout also features an 11.5 x 11.5 inch lacy edged cut on both pages.  The cut file is set up so that all you have to do is load the paper and select cut.  In addition to using the decorative background cut on the Birthday 2 layout, you can use this same element on other pages.

You can probably tell from the paper I chose that I wanted Birthday 2 to be more of a boy's birthday layout.  That is because Birthday 1 was done in girly colors.  And even though this layout has a lacy edged cut, it still works for a boy!!
11 Aug 2010

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