Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Some number of weeks ago ( I am embarrassed to say exactly how many weeks) Melinda Ford honored me with a blog award. I was right in the midst of a busy, busy week and assured Melinda that I was appreciative and would post the award. I promptly back burned the issue.

Melinda is a doll. Seriously. Not only did she not get upset with me, she gave me a second award! I love this cyber-friend.

Okay the awards:

This must be passed on to five blogs that I find inspiring. How tough to limit to ONLY five.
  1. Joy - this woman is a fabulous crafter. http://www.obsessedwithscrapbooking.com/

  2. Joy and two friends have begun a new Christmas blog that I adore. http://cricutchristmas.blogspot.com/

  3. Jill - what a honey! http://divainpink.blogspot.com/

  4. Donna - I have to remember to close my mouth each time I visit her blog. http://donnamundinger-popsicletoes.blogspot.com/

  5. Linda - who makes the most amazing designs!! http://mesharingwithu.blogspot.com/
18 Aug 2009

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