Monday, March 30, 2009

It's Bitten by the Bug Monday and you know what that means.... Time to post this week's challenge. Regina asked the team to use the bunny head from Doodlecharms and create any type of project we would like. If you have not been by BBTB, you are missing some AMAZING projects... They're all cute, cute, cute!

What did I do? I decapitated Hello Kitty!! Really, I did! I used the Hello Kitty cartridge along with Doodlecharms and made "April Showers Bunny". I cut the umbrella Kitty, removed Kitty's head and replaced it with the Bunny head. I had to cut an outline of Bunny so that it could blend with the kitty outline. I did this by layering two bunnies, one slightly smaller and inside the other and cutting it with the same paper as I used for Kitty.

I love the yellow swirl umbrella and Bunny's boots and rain coat. She is all set to splash around in some spring mud puddles!!!
30 Mar 2009

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