Saturday, February 28, 2009

We have had the wettest, soggiest day here in SC. According to the weather bureau we have had 2 inches of rain, along with a fair does of thunder and lightening. The good news is this weather made me not want to leave the house! I am wearing flannel sleep pants & a sweatshirt and saw no reason at all for real clothes today.

My hermit attitude allowed me to accomplish so much in my scrapping room. I completed the next two bitten by the bug challenges, as well as a wedding card I have been commissioned to make.

The wedding card is for some friends of ours to give. They told me that the groom had graduated from a motorcycle master mechanic school so they wanted to include that on the card. Yikes!!! Brides and motorcycles and tools! This was quite the challenge. In the end, it was unique and a bit fun.

28 Feb 2009

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